Peng Yifeng bio photo





About Me

It’s helium Peng here(You can just call me Bob).

I am looking for 2024 Fall intake Ph.D in Finance/Fintech as well as artificial intellgence, I prefer interdisciplinary works.

Currently, I worked as a research asscioate under the guidence of Prof. CHEN chen in Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen).

If you are interested in any aspect of me, I would love to chat and collaborate, email me at yifengpeng[at]link[dot]cuhk[dot]edu[dot]cn or schedule a Online Coffee Chat with me.

Academic Background

  • Sep 2021 - Jul 2023:Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen) (MSc, Finance)
  • Sep 2020 - Aug 2021:University of Hong Kong (MSc, Computer Science)
  • Sep 2016 - June 2020:Hunan University (BEng, Computer Science and Technology)

Research Interests

My current research focuses on the Alignment Problem in Large Language models (LLMs), I’m also a fan for Behavioral Finance, with a heart for bounded rationality. Hoping that AI can liberate productivity and benefit mankind.

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