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Lastest Update:9th June 2024  中文版本 (Chinese Version)

This page was generated by automatic translation software, and the Chinese version of the content is more in line with my actual expression


Always ready for exploring other possibilities in life

Cooking & Baking

Les bases aimer cuisiner, c’est aimer et cuisiner –Paul Bocuse

I hold the belief that diet is an essential aspect of life. When I find myself with free time, I take great pleasure in preparing a variety of delicious dishes for myself and my loved ones. I cherish life and savor every meal.
During my time at the University of Hong Kong, due to epidemic prevention and other factors, I began to frequently cook in my rented apartment and gradually discovered the joy of cooking. Cooking requires attention to detail, thoughtful consideration, and time investment. Through this process, I came to appreciate the warmth of human life and distanced myself from self-consumption and depressive emotions.
I spent my life before university in a small city in Jiangxi Province. For my undergraduate studies, I moved to Changsha, Hunan, a city known for its spicy culinary habits, which are among the most famous in China. I also have a unique preference for spicy foods. As I progressed to graduate studies, I have been in the Guangdong region for more than four years. Currently, I have a high tolerance for Cantonese cuisine, and I enjoy exploring Western and exotic foods. Among Western cuisines, I have a particular fondness for Italian and French dishes.


Cultivate the mind with civilization, strengthen the body with barbarism.

In fact, it was only after I started my second graduate program that I developed a habit of exercising. I’ve never been fond of sports that involve intense confrontation and competition, such as basketball, soccer, and volleyball. At one point, I really disliked sweating and getting injured. After trying to persist in going to the gym, I found that moderate exercise can make the mind more clear and also keep the body in good condition to cope with the setbacks and confusion in research and study.
I’ve delved into the study of exercise physiology and have applied scientific methods to guide my training regimen, aiming to prevent injuries and enhance my athletic performance as much as possible. If you share an interest in the science of movement, I would recommend this Bilibili creator’s videos (in Chinese). I generally adhere to a tri-partition training approach, working out for three days and resting for one, while adjusting my rest days based on sleep quality and actual physical fatigue. I’ve been making efforts to minimize staying up late and to go to bed early, though I often fall short of this goal. Through exercise, I’ve managed to maintain a stable weight and a relatively good physique. Chasing six-pack abs or an extremely low body fat percentage is not my goal; health is the ultimate outcome I seek.
After securing my doctoral admission, I am also going to attempt sports that involve some level of competition with others, which I’ve always been somewhat apprehensive about, such as basketball, tennis, and badminton. If you share my interest in fitness, body sculpting, athletic performance, and exercise physiology, I am more than happy to engage in a conversation and share insights.

Electronic Games

I make no bones about my fondness for video games, which some of my elders might see as childish or a distraction from more serious pursuits. In truth, my choice to study computer science was partly driven by my childhood love for playing on the computer, a passion that has persisted into the present. However, I’ve always managed to keep this hobby within reasonable bounds, avoiding excessive indulgence. In fact, since starting my graduate studies, I’ve found myself with little time to indulge in video games.
I consider video games to be the ninth art form. In my last semester of undergraduate studies, after completing my thesis, I spent quite a bit of time playing Warframe and Destiny 2. As my academic and research responsibilities grew, it became increasingly difficult to devote large chunks of time to gaming. Currently, I only play APEX Legends with my friends during my free time or enjoy playing Slay the Spire on my own.
My all-time favorite game is actually Overwatch. I’ve been following and playing it since after my college entrance examination. I’m looking forward to the renewed collaboration between Activision Blizzard, which has been acquired, and NetEase Games (it’s said that it might return as early as the summer of 2024, but let’s wait and see).
I have a particular fondness for first-person shooter games, such as the Call of Duty series and the Battlefield series. At the same time, I also appreciate games with intricate storylines, like The Legend of Zelda, The Witcher 3, and Cyberpunk 2077, among others. I’ve dabbled in the Civilization series as well, but the lengthy playtime required for a single session of strategy games is something I can’t commit to at the moment due to my limited time.
During my middle and high school years, due to the heavy academic workload, I hardly had any time to play games. However, I would take advantage of weekends to watch UP masters’ gameplay videos on video platforms, commonly known as a “cloud player.” Even now, I still watch gameplay videos, but the frequency has significantly decreased compared to before (I need to devote more time to learning knowledge and conducting research).
Sometimes, I also watch esports competitions. Occasionally, I follow professional leagues for games like Dota 2, League of Legends (LOL), Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO), and APEX. I am a neutral player, without a particular team to support. What I appreciate more is the intense and thrilling nature of the competitions.

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May 2024: Want to know more about me and my research? How about an online coffee?